Rudraksha plant: How to grow and care for Elaeocarpus Ganitrus?

Rajat Piplewar

The Rudraksha Tree: A Sacred Symbol in Hindu Culture


The Rudraksha tree, scientifically known as Elaeocarpus ganitrus, is an evergreen species revered in the Indian subcontinent for its sacred beads. These beads hold immense significance in Hindu culture, often associated with spiritual and healing properties. This article delves into the various aspects of the Rudraksha tree, from its physical characteristics and cultivation to its cultural and spiritual importance.

Origins and Subspecies

The Rudraksha tree boasts over 35 different subspecies, with the most renowned originating from the Gangetic plains and extending to the base of the Himalayas. This fast-growing tree begins bearing fruit in just over three years, making it a symbol of both spiritual and natural abundance.

Etymology and Mythology

The term “Rudraksha” is derived from two Sanskrit words: “Rudra,” meaning Lord Shiva, and “aksha,” meaning eye. Together, they translate to “Lord Shiva’s eye,” symbolizing the deity’s third eye. According to legend, Lord Shiva wore a garland made of Rudraksha beads, a tradition that has been passed down through generations of Hindu priests and devotees.

Physical Description

The Rudraksha tree typically grows to a height of 15 meters and features buttress roots at the base of its trunk. Its leaves, measuring 60-180 mm in length and 40-60 mm in width, have a serrated, wave-like structure. These leaves turn red before they fall off, adding a splash of color to the tree’s appearance.

Cultivation and Growth

Growing a Rudraksha tree is relatively straightforward. The tree bears round, blue fruits and can be propagated through seeds or stem cuttings. When planting seeds, they should be placed at a depth of 7-10 inches. If using a pot, ensure it has a depth of at least 15-18 inches and good drainage. For stem cuttings, transplant a well-grown sapling from a nursery to a sunny spot in your garden.

Care Tips

Fertilizer Requirements

Before planting, enrich the soil with organic matter. To accelerate growth, use a balanced liquid fertilizer diluted to half its strength every 6-8 weeks until the tree reaches a height of 5-6 feet. For an organic approach, cow dung fertilizer can be used regularly.


Pruning encourages the growth of new branches and increases fruit production. Remove withered branches to promote healthier growth.

Soil and Watering Requirements

The Rudraksha tree is adaptable to various soil types but thrives best in rich, well-drained soil. Water the young plant whenever the top layer of soil feels dry, continuing this practice until the tree reaches a height of 8-10 feet.

Pest and Disease Management

The Rudraksha tree is relatively pest-resistant. Neem spray can effectively manage any pest issues. To prevent root rot and fungal infections, avoid overwatering or underwatering the plant.

Uses and Benefits

Medicinal Benefits

The leaves of the Rudraksha tree possess antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, making them useful for treating wounds, epilepsy, migraines, and headaches. The nuts can be made into a paste with rose water to heal and moisturize the skin. According to Ayurveda, these nuts also help purify the blood and stimulate healthy circulation.

Spiritual Benefits

Rudraksha beads are believed to offer stress relief, aura healing, and energy fixation. They are often used in malas for chanting Hindu prayers, with a standard mala consisting of 108 beads.

Ornamental Uses

In addition to its spiritual and medicinal benefits, the Rudraksha tree is also used as an ornamental landscape tree.

Cultural Significance

The Rudraksha tree holds profound significance in Hinduism. The beads are considered to be Lord Shiva’s third eye and are frequently used in prayers. Trees found in the Himalayan regions, particularly near Mount Kailash, are especially revered for their spiritual energy.

Growing Rudraksha at Home

According to Vastu Shastra, planting a Rudraksha tree in your home garden is auspicious and helps keep negative energies at bay. Ensure the tree receives adequate sunlight for optimal growth.


The Rudraksha tree is more than just a plant; it is a symbol of spiritual and cultural heritage in Hinduism. From its medicinal properties to its spiritual significance, the Rudraksha tree continues to be a revered and cherished part of Indian culture. Whether you are looking to grow one in your garden or simply wish to understand its importance, the Rudraksha tree offers a wealth of benefits and a deep connection to ancient traditions.