Is Areca Palm a Good Indoor Plant?
Areca palm, a native plant of Madagascar, is very popular because of its many benefits. Also known as the golden cane palm, bamboo palm, or butterfly palm, it adds an amazing tropical touch to your house, whether indoors or outdoors. This easy-to-maintain plant makes for a grand statement as an indoor plant, as it easily blends in with any décor.
Does Areca Palm Need Direct Sunlight?
Areca palm is a good indoor plant because, although it requires a good amount of light, it does not need direct sunlight. The height of these plants supports them as good indoor plants in the palm category. Its resemblance to the bamboo plant with yellowish-green or golden stems and narrow fronds has earned the areca palm the name of ‘bamboo palm’.
How to Grow Areca Palm?
For planting areca palm at home, take a pot and make small holes so that the clustered roots can be accommodated and there is enough space for excess water to drain out. Place the areca palm plant in the pot and fill it with mud, manure, and water. Although it does not need direct sunlight, it requires a good amount of light for healthy growth. So, place the pot in a place where it can get sufficient light.
While pruning the areca palm, remember that you should not prune the dry fronds until they are really brown because even they can contribute to photosynthesis. As it is a tropical plant, it grows well in places with high humidity or normal humidity. At your home, do not keep the Areca Palm plant near the AC as it may limit their growth.
How to Water the Areca Palm Plant in Your House?
Being a tropical plant, like most palm plants, areca palm plants grow well in moist soil. Areca palm cannot grow if overwatered. They tend to wither away with waterlogging. Be mindful and water these plants only when they need it and not as a habit. To avoid the situation of overwatering or underwatering, check the dehydration level of the soil on a weekly basis. This can be done by inserting a garden stake inside the soil around 2 inches deep and checking the moisture on the soil. If it is still moist, then don’t water. If the soil looks dry, then it’s a good time to water Areca palm.
How Often to Water Areca Palm
Areca palm trees do not need much water. The watering needs of the Areca palm depend on the size of the plant. During summers, you can water the Areca palm approximately once in ten days. During winters, you can water them once between 14 to 21 days as they grow slow during winters.
How to Know if Areca Palm Plant Has Too Much Water?
If your Areca palm is overwatered, the plant will show all the stress signs very fast. These include drooping, wilting, yellowing, or browning. Additionally, unlike how it should be, the bark of the Areca Palm may become very soft and spongy. Another issue of overwatering is the problem of root rot. If your Areca Palm suffers root rot, then its soil will give a pungent smell. Check for these symptoms from time to time and address the issue of overwatering at the earliest otherwise the Areca palm plant may give up.
How to Repot Areca Palms?
If you are planting areca palm as an indoor plant, always plant them in a pot that is slightly cluttered so that its height is maintained. You should repot the areca palm every year so that the plant gets new soil and the salt deposits in the pot are removed. If the plant is suffocated for space, plant it in a bigger pot.
Leaf Tip Burn of Areca Palm
This is a common problem with areca palm, where the tip of the areca palm leaves turn brown or yellow, similar to a burning effect on the leaves. This can be caused by:
- Insufficient watering of the areca palm.
- Overwatering of the areca palm.
- Poor soil.
- Infected plant.
- Cluttered roots that hinder the growth of the plant.
The problem can be solved by pruning the leaves, repotting, changing the soil, and adding a good amount of fertilizer.
Areca Palm Benefits
What is Areca Palm Good For?
- The areca palm plant is known to increase oxygen levels by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing more oxygen.
- Areca palm absorbs toxic substances in the air, like VOCs and pollutants, and purifies the air we breathe.
- Areca palm is pet-friendly and is a safe bet for homes with pets.
- Areca palm is known to reduce stress levels and uplift mood.
- They act as a very good humidifier in the house.
Areca Palm’s Importance According to Vastu and Feng Shui
The areca palm is believed to bring health, wealth, and prosperity to a home. As per Vastu and Feng Shui, areca palm can be placed in the east, southeast, south, or north to bring positivity to the house.
The areca palm is not just a beautiful addition to your home decor but also a plant that offers numerous benefits. From purifying the air to being pet-friendly, it’s a versatile plant that can thrive indoors with minimal care. By following the right watering schedule, ensuring it gets enough light, and repotting it as needed, you can enjoy the lush greenery and the tropical vibe it brings to your living space. So, if you’re looking for a low-maintenance, high-reward plant, the areca palm is definitely worth considering.